Blogger Tricks
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." Robert Frost


European mysteries

Yes, I know, I know I'm soo late! I was on an occult expedition in search for mysteries, and now I will present you a short photo review. Everything developed on its own, without any pressure, and the best part was that I always found myself on the right place, at the right time, not having initially whatever planned.

Европейски мистерии

Да, да - знам, че се забавих! Бях на окултна експедиция в търсене на мистерии, и сега ще ви представя кратко тематично фото-ревю. Всичко се разкриваше от само себе си, и най-хубавото беше, че винаги попадах на точното място, без да съм отишла там целенасочено.