Blogger Tricks
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." Robert Frost


Морски талисман за любов и защита

И ето, че най-накрая сезона на занаятите започна! Да, знам, че се позабавих. Но всяко хубаво нещо изисква време, нали така?

Представям ви морския талисман, който направих за приятелка.

Sea talisman for love and protection

And finally, the craft season started! Yeah, I know it took some time. But good things need time, right? 
                     This is a sea talisman I made for a friend...


About black holes, one golden member and 23

Sagittarius A*. The massive black hole in the center of our galaxy. The omnieating avid mega-monster. Just like the vagina. Brrrr! Behold the Mama Monster! 

Nowadays it is very popular to talk about quantum physics. So let's talk a bit about fractals. I am not sure if I get the term right. For me a fractal means just one thing: that the microcosmos is a reflection of the macrocosmos and vise versa simultaniously; not that the one precedes the other, like the eternal question about the egg and the hen (to all of you who still bang their heads on this - get a life, will ya?).


Dusty Ghost

Abandoned in the sea
I found a ghost in grim
Drifting in the moonlight
In dust and in grief.

His speech was of no words
His mind was of no thoughts
Then I understood:
His shadow was Me.


Изкуството на числата

Мистерията на числата вдъхновява хората още от древността. Тяхното скрито знание е било търсено и попивано от велики умове като Питагор, Архимед, Нютон и... мен :) Винаги съм била запалена по числата и тяхната истинска мултиизмерна природа. Всичко е математика, както всички знаем.

 "Математиката е изкуството на даване на различни имена на едно и също нещо."
                                                   Жул Анри Поанкаре

The art of numbers

The mystery of numbers has inspired people since time memorial. Their hidden knowledge has been pursued and perceived by great minds like Pythagorus, Archimedes, Newton and... me :) I have always been keen on numbers and their true multidimensional nature. Everything is mathematics, as we all have heard before.

"Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things."
                                                   Jules-Henri Poincare


Магия на дървото за изобилие


Този Хелоуин беше моят духовен рожден ден и лично откровение за осъзнаване на магията и силата вътре в нас. Смирено събрах материалните и нематериалните си дарове и се потопих в света на вещици, магийки, еднорози и летящи феички. Беше доста освежаващо. Отвореното ми сърце и почти тоталната липса на дефиниции как би трябвало да протече нощта, ми помогнаха да стъпя на пътя към това така чудно пътешествие. Защото,

"Човек не става просветлен като си представя фигури от светлина, а като прави мрака съзнателен." 

                                   Карл Густав Юнг


Tree magic for abundance

This Halloween was my spiritual birthday and a personal revelation of a deeper understanding of magic and the force within. I humbly gathered my tangible and intangible gifts and submerged into the realm of witches, spells, unicorns and flying pixies. It was refreshing, to say the least. My openheartedness and almost absolute lack of definitions of what this night should bring, helped me get onto the road to this most bizarre journey. For, 

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." 

                                           Carl Gustav Jung